lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

THE ELASTIC MANAGEMENT (Gestión Elástica versión ingles)


The managerial this dynamics always in constant movement, undoubtedly someone, for what the management must adapt and evolve to be present contributing to the best companies ways of acting and coexisting harmonious in his environment as also reaching to the company where it is immersed, as the company, the markets and other aspects change, the managers they have to of equal form manage to learn like and adapt to this reality and extract the major possible profit, for it to possess an elastic management is of great help beside adding up to the effective adequacy of the organization to the labor and managerial current dynamics.

When I speak about an elastic management I speak about an offer of style of management organizational, to do that the organizations have this aptitude to support, of expanding or re-bringing his actions with the purpose of adapting to the requirements that can affect her.
This style of management seeks to support the attention in the economic generation of earnings, but also to the generation of well-being to the human talent, which does life in the organization of a balanced form, giving him this strategic approach to the human talent based on one to act consciously, in this style of management there appears five (5) beginning, which it taking to the action one was relying on a climate organizacional suitably that he should promote the productivity as also an agreeable and propitious organization for the prosperity of all.

Five beginning to possess an elastic management is:

1. To act Consciously: it refers that each of the members of the organization knows that his acts generate a consequence, when it is operated consciously, the ethics and the morality is born in mind in every action that is undertaken, as also the responsibility, since without responsibility there is no conscience. They all with the organization must deal the importance of act with conscience, this was stimulating the relations and actions focused on the achievement of the raised aims.

2. Effective equipments: it is essential that the organization relies on equipments that they should be effective at the moment of achieving the aims, every member of the organization must add value from his responsibilities, without the conformation of effective equipments the aims were not achieved, on the other hand on having possessed it, the organization was going on to a more ideal level in his plans and operations. 

3. Productivity: this beginning places in a seat of importance the fact of orientating all planning, plans and actions to obtain the major level of productivity in the operations, always we can be better (improvement continues), for it every act that we have, must go orientated to the increase of the productivity in the organization, on it the economic profit of the organization depends to a great extent and consequently her on all.

4. Panoramic look: This beginning is based on the possibility of seeing beyond the obvious thing, to centre on attacking the reasons and not the consequences of the problems on learning of every situation, and on having an integral and systemic thought, which does that ours to act adds value.

5. Responsible freedom : It is a question of changing this culture, beliefs, values, with which the organizations were managed in the past, I say to this so rigid form and often prison, that he adds nothing good to the climate organizacional, at present the persons value very much the power to possess freedom, that is to say we must open ourselves for a more flexible labor, collaborative and planned relation where the most important aspect is based on a management and evaluation by aims, for example, where problem does not exist if you need a few hours, one day or two a week to do personal activities, so as which you expire with your obligations, and have a planning for these days, coordinated between the whole equipment of work, here the collaboration and planning is essential and a few clear rules it results in this vital case, the fact of never possessing freedom will exempt you from your responsibilities, in this topic the collaborative management helps very much, The current labor dynamics demands that the organizations are of this form, to my to think, in a future it will not be an option.

As managers it is necessary to to search of being the sufficiently elastic thing in the management to expire with the needs of the shareholders of the company, since also those of the human talent of the same one, this will not be able to be achieved if one does not exist to act consciously.

The climate organizacional is essential to possess a successful management, is for it that to my to think this one is a topic that already is not optional, simply it is a duty to propitiate and to support a suitable climate organizacional, where this fact is a part of the culture of the organization, propitiating of this form one set agreeably for all, where as workers it does not overwhelm us to go to our labors since we know that beside working we are going to enjoy what we do, at least in the majority of the time.

This one is a style of management that one proposes to possess major efficiency, productivity and agreeable and propitious places of work to the evolution of all his members, clearly that certain formation and maturity is needed in all the levels of the organization, but once implemented correctly the obtained benefits will be great.
I invite you to know more on this style of management in the qualified book Elastic Management, apply it adequately and I assure a management you organizacional successful.
Author:. Michael Aular – Micdan Consulting

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